Tuesday, June 09, 2009

this week i will..

go for a haircut and colour - so not going to happen this week

have a one day break - that's today

buy a few dresses - bought a dress from Mng yesterday during lunch. Skipped the dress from WS as Edeline mentioned that it was too pyjamas-ish

go for a movie - thinking 'Dance Subaru' - the show ended it's run today, so movie plans will change to shopping, dinner and then late night movie

collect my thoughts - haven't really got to that. knowing me, i'm escaping again?

catch up with friends - hmm.. had the k sesh just now with Edeline, Amy, Gail, Kev and Alvin.

take some photos - haven't done it

catch more winks - trying to

start preparing of what's coming next - err.. no preps yet

head to BTNR - see how and when.. weekend perhaps

go K-ing - done, just..

pay my bills - haven't got to this

apply for taka card - application form sent.. awaiting the $10 voucher

think of a good place for Friday's dinner - hmm.. we decided to have Korean food from Crystal Jade

从一场似现实的梦中醒来吧?- or is it supposed to be 从一场似现实中醒来吧? still trying to figure which is which..

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